
Earth for All Greek book launch

Greek language edition of Earth for All book cover

We are pleased to share that Earth for All: A Survival Guide for Humanity is now available in Greek. It can be purchased in bookstores or ordered online via Papazissi.

The book will be launched at an event in Athens on 7 December 2023.

Book launch event program

Representative of Papazisis Publications

Alexandra Mitsotaki, President & Co-Founder, World Human Forum, and Member of the High Level Roundtable Committee, New European Bauhaus

Opening speech
John Schellnhuber, Director General, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis
(IIASA), and Founding Director, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)

Discussion moderated by Alexandra Mitsotaki
– Marco Veremis, Partner at Big Pi Ventures, Co-Founder at Upstream, and Chairman at SEV, Innovation Committee
– Emmanuela Doussi, Professor of International Institutions at EKPA, and Director of the UNESCO, Chair for Climate Diplomacy
– Gerasimos Kouvaras, Director of Greek Hub, Inner Development Goals, and Former Director General, ActionAid Hellas

Closing speech
Stamatis Krimizis, Academic, NASA Space Scientist

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