
Earth4All in Austria kick-off: the energy turnaround

Welcome to the kick-off event of the Earth4All Austria project!

In the first part of the event, Earth4All project leads Sandrine Dixson-Declève and Per Espen Stoknes will present an overview of the Earth4All narrative and the five extraordinary turnarounds to achieve the Giant Leap.

As the first of five events focused on the turnarounds, we will zoom-in on the energy turnaround and explore extensive preliminary work achieved in terms of Earth4All’s three proposed policies (see figure below).

We will explore the array of action packages and relevant policies currently proposed for Austria. We will introduce and discuss these measures with regard to their immediate applicability and their alignment with the Earth4All initiative.

Similar to prior gatherings, the central focus remains on the question of “How to accelerate the implementation of these measures” in line with Austria’s climate neutrality objectives by 2040, while adopting Earth4All’s systemic thinking approach.

View the program (available in German)

Note: The first part of the event will be held in English, the second part in German.

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