
Reimagining climate: Awakening our senses to the climate in an immersive 5-day course

Tree branches over a green hill looking out to sea

This is a 5-day immersive course co-led by Per Espen Stoknes, co-author of Earth for All: A Survival Guide for Humanity. It is aimed at sustainability practitioners or those supporting teams and communities in climate transformation.

Are you looking to connect more meaningfully with the nature of ‘climate’?

The Schumacher College and Dartington Trust invite you to imagine the climate in a different way, not one consisting of facts and figures – but one that is deeply intertwined with a complex world. By awakening our senses in the body to what is happening within and beyond the climate, we can learn to build personal resilience and experience an animate, living earth.

Recent studies point to high rates of burnout amongst those working in sustainability, where they feel a disconnect between what they aspire towards, what they are capable of, and what they experience in society at large.

Per Espen Stoknes, Anne Solgaard, Stephan Harding and other guest contributors, will build on their vast experience and passion for the human and more than human world, to explore our wider psyche relationships and a deeper motivation.

With deep ecology and climate psychology as our guide, we will explore how inner and outer sustainability can mutually reinforce the regeneration of the planet. To connect personal level changes to the global changes, and work towards an Earth4All.

This alchemy of transforming our relationship to Gaia and the living air itself, can help create balance and a ‘sense’ of Gaia. Bringing the wider climate into our being to develop a personal sustainability and compassion for ourselves as well as the earth and others.


  • Explore inner and outer sustainability
  • Develop your personal and embodied leadership style through experiential practices that employ awareness and the expressive arts.
  • Meet like-minded leaders/practitioners working in sustainability
  • Experience the air and world around us in a new and regenerative way
  • Participate in a field trip and outdoor activities, lectures and living in community

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