
The future of food: endless crisis or revolutionary transformation?

Event flyer for the Austrian chapter of the Club of Rome event on December 12. Text in German.

This is the second workshop organised by the Austrian Chapter of the Club of Rome in the context of Earth4All national engagement in Austria.

Planned to be held on 12 December 2023, this workshop focuses on the Earth4All food turnaround, following the kick-off worskshop that explored the energy turnaround in November.

“From Farm to Fork” is the name of the European strategy that is intended to show us the direction towards a sustainable supply of healthy food for Europe. However, this image that food comes directly from the field to our table obscures the complexity of modern value chains in the food sector. We like to see Austria as a culinary stronghold and are proud of the products from local agriculture and production. Despite these successes, we know that we will have to cope with a huge transformation in the next few decades. We therefore want to discuss how this can be achieved with those responsible from politics, business and science. Regulatory, economic, ecological and social challenges will be addressed and possible solutions will be outlined. But one thing is already completely clear today – there will be no easy answers to this complex question.

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