
The Earth for All 2024 Survey

Exploring global attitudes to political and economic transformation

What do people around the world think about political and economic transformation?

We asked 22,000 people across the world’s largest economies their opinion on issues from tax reform to democracy. 

The Earth for All 2024 Survey, commissioned by Earth4All and the Global Commons Alliance and carried out by Ipsos, reveals overwhelming public support for progressive tax reforms and broader political and economic changes to reduce inequality and increase wellbeing. 


Ipsos surveyed 22,000 participants aged 18 to 55-75 in total across 22 countries. This included 18 G20 countries (Argentina (1,000), Australia (1,000), Brazil (1,000), Canada (1,000), China (1,000), France (1,000), Germany (1,000), India (1,000), Indonesia (1,000), Italy (1,000), Japan (1,000), Mexico (1,000), Saudi Arabia (1,000), South Africa (1,000), South Korea (1,000), Turkey (1,000), United Kingdom (1,000), United States (1,000)), plus four counties outside the G20: Austria (1,000), Denmark (1,000), Kenya (1,000) and Sweden (1,000). Not all questions were asked in China, as indicated below. All interviews were conducted online and took place between 5th March and 8th April 2024. 

Overall “G20” percentage results are an arithmetic average of national results across the 18 G20 countries surveyed (or 17 G20 countries in the case of questions that were not asked in China).  

Quota sampling was used, and in each country data are weighted to be representative of the national population of this audience on age, gender, region and working status. Where results do not sum to 100, this may be due to rounding, multiple responses, or the exclusion of ‘don’t know’ categories. 

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