
Earth4All selected as finalist for WIN WIN award

Earth4All has been selected as a finalist for the WIN WIN Gothenburg Sustainability Award 2024. Since 2000, the award has recognised individuals and organisations doing outstanding work towards a sustainable future with previous winners including Kofi Annan and Gro Harlem Brundtland.

The 1 million kroner prize aims to draw attention to and reward pioneering solutions to the most critical challenges the world is facing today. The theme for the 2024 award is “Inclusive Transition”, and Earth4All was nominated for its “significant efforts to weave together economic, ecological, and social sustainability into clear visions that demonstrate what such an inclusive transition can look like.” The project was selected as one of five finalists from among 430 nominations from 88 countries.

The winners will be announced on April 18 online and at a ceremony in Gothenburg.

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