Earth for All: A Survival Guide for Humanity (September 2022), is a unique book. For the first time, it presents the results of a remarkable two-year broad-minded research collaboration, Earth4All.
Earth4All brought together many of the world’s leading economic thinkers and system dynamics scientists to explore two scenarios for this century: what if the world makes incremental efforts to deal with existential crises, or, what if the world embarks on bold economic strategy to achieve prosperity for on a liveable planet.
Over the coming months there are a number of launch events planned, highlights of which are detailed below. For further information or to arrange interviews please contact [email protected] or [email protected] .
Press Conference

Tuesday 30 August
11:30 CEST
Berlin, Germany
Read press release here
Watch the conference here
Four of the authors of Earth for All will take part in a press conference at the German Haus der Bundespressekonferenz. Sandrine Dixson-Declève, Jorgen Randers, Johan Rockstrom and Per Espen Stoknes will discuss 50 years since The Limits to Growth and the possible options we can take now to achieve wellbeing for all within planetary boundaries.
Please note attendance is only possible for journalists registered with the Bundespresskonfernz or Vereins der Auslandspresse in Germany.
The Limits to Growth 50 Years On: Where Do We Stand Today and What Can We Learn For Current Policies?

Tuesday 30 August
14:00-19:30 CEST
Venue: Wasserturm at EUREF-Campus, EUREF-Campus 18, 10829 Berlin
Watch or rewatch the symposium here.
In partnership with Forum for a New Economy and SPERI, this symposium will examine the impact The Limits to Growth report has had and whether its message has been contradicted by reality as often argued, the empirical data we have on the compatibility of economic growth and environmental sustainability, discuss whether new approaches beyond the old fundamental question could serve as a bridge between the camps, and dig deeper into the question what the post-growth concept would mean for public budgets or innovation in the economy.
Speakers include Sandrine Dixson-Declève, The Club of Rome co-president and coauthor of Earth for All; Jorgen Randers, original author of The Limits to Growth, coauthor of Earth for All, and member of the Club of Rome; Tim Jackson, director of the Centre for the Understanding of Sustainable Prosperity (CUSP), and member of the Club of Rome and Earth4All; Per Espen Stoknes director of Centre for Sustainability and Energy at the Norwegian Business School in Oslo, member of the Club of Rome and coauthor of Earth for All; and Jayati Ghosh, development economist and coauthor of Earth for All.
Earth for All published in German

Tuesday 6 September
The German version of the book is available via the following links:
Swiss Green Economy Forum

Wednesday 7 September
18:00 CEST
Venue: Winterthur, Switzerland
Club of Rome Honorary President, Ernst von Weizsäcker will join Switzerland’s most comprehensive economic summit on sustainability. The summit brings inspiration, knowledge and networking to representatives from business, politics, science and civil society who decide, implement and drive innovation. Von Weizsäcker will discuss sustainable development for our planet and the pathways
presented by Earth4All.
Future Lab Day with the Austrian Chapter of the Club of Rome

Thursday 8 September
14:00-16:00 CEST
Linz, Austria
Watch or rewatch the event here.
As part of the Ars Electronica Festival, the Austrian Chapter of the Club of Rome are organising an event to present Earth for All: A Survival Guide for Humanity – a new report to the Club of Rome.
Keynote speakers are former Club of Rome co-president, Ersnt von Weizsäcker and the Club of Rome Program Director Till Kellerhof. A panel discussion entitled Earth4All draws 5 viable pathways – Where are we & how to continue on a local level? will include Earth for All author Jayati Ghosh.
Tipping Points conference

Monday 12 September
Venue: University of Exeter, Exeter UK
Programme and more details via this link
This meeting is a ‘call to action’ to form an alliance to improve warnings of the proximity of catastrophic climate tipping points and to accelerate positive tipping points to avert the climate crisis. The programme will cover the latest developments in both negative and positive tipping points, at scales from local to global, and from theory to practice. Partners include PIK- Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research and Exeter University.
The event is co-covened by Johan Rockström, coauthor of Earth for All: A Survival Guide for Humanity. The Club of Rome co-president, Sandrine Decléve-Dixson will join a plenary entitled The great tipping points debate, and Club of Rome member Kate Raworth will join a plenary session titled Are we in danger of runaway global warming? What can we do about it together?

Wednesday 14 September
Online event.
Watch or rewatch the event here.
Recent scientific assessments have shifted the climate debate from questions of “if” and “when” global warming will reach a certain point to the question of just how bad things will get. Anticipations of a hotter world have brought the issues of adaptation and climate justice to the fore. Join the Club of Rome co-president and coauthor of Earth for All: A Survival Guide for Humanity, Sandrine Decléve-Dixson.
Opening of the Goals’ House: Business-as-usual

Sunday 18 September
19:00 – 22:00 ET
Venue: Goals House, Tavern on the Green, NYC
In partnership with Project Everyone, Earth4All contributors will join climate leaders and decision makers at the Goals House in New York to open a week of events about our common future. Per Espen Stoknes, one of the project leaders of Earth4All, will present the policy recommendations outlined by the 2-year research project.
From science to action: An Interactive Discussion

Monday 19 September
15:00-17:00 pm
Authors of Earth for All: A Survival Guide for Humanity will join representatives from the business and finance communities to discuss the findings of the book, and the investment actions to be taken to facilitate the five extraordinary turnarounds and transform our economies and societies, while reducing the impact on nature and our planet.
Sandrine Dixson Declève and Per Espen Stoknes will introduce the Earth4All project and give an overview of the solutions needed to move our economies towards wellbeing, and Johan Rockström, will give a talk on the Future of Planet Earth.
This will be followed by a facilitated discussion around investment action, with Doug Heske, Founder of Newday, Philippe Cousteau, EarthEcho International, Georgie Badiel, Georgie Badiel Foundation, Anna Rathmann, Jane Goodall Institute and Kevin Frey, Generation Unlimited.
Earth for All: A Survival Guide for Humanity published in English

Tuesday 20 September
The English version of the book is available at the following links:
Health and Wealth of our Planet

Tuesday 20 September
Venue: NY City Winery, New York, USA
More info here.
Watch or rewatch the event here.
This event, organised by Techonomy, will focus on the new urgency for businesses to factor in sustainability. This one-day event will lay out the big picture and ask what it means for policy, for geopolitics, for business strategy, for climate tech, for conscious consumption, and for investing in the age of ESG.
Speakers include The Club of Rome co-president, Sandrine Dixson-Declève talking about the new report by The Club of Rome titled Earth for All: A Survival Guide for Humanity.
Science Summit at the 77th UN General Assembly: Five extraordinary turnarounds for prosperity on a healthy planet

Tuesday 20 September
11:00-13:00 ET
Venue: UNGA Science Summit Side Event -Instituto Cervantes, NYC
Watch or rewatch the event here.
This event will gather climate scientists, development economists and decision-makers to discuss the policy options needed urgently to accelerate systems change to secure wellbeing for all within planetary boundaries.
Split into two sessions, the first hour will focus on the findings detailed in Earth for All: A Survival Guide for Humanity. This will include details of the five extraordinary turnarounds that are needed in order to achieve a Giant Leap and stabilise temperatures below 2°C (above pre-industrial levels), stabilise the population well below nine billion people, reduce material use and approach an end to extreme poverty globally a generation earlier than if we continue with business as usual. In this scenario, social tension falls, and wellbeing rises throughout the century because of greater income equality.
Leading policymakers and leaders will then discuss the concrete actions that are needed to upgrade our economic systems, and transition to wellbeing economies.
Speakers include:
• Teresa Ribera, Vice-President and Minister for Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge, Government of Spain
• Yasmine Fouad, Minister of Environment of the Arab Republic of Egypt, COP 27 Envoy and Ministerial Coordinator
- Christian Guillermet Fernández, Vice-minister of Multilateral Affairs, Government of Costa Rica
Plus, authors of Earth for All: A Survival Guide for Humanity
• Sandrine Dixson Declève, Co-President of the Club of Rome
• Johan Rockström, Director, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
• Jayati Ghosh, Professor at the College of Social and Behavioural Sciences, University of Massachusetts Amherst
• Owen Gaffney, Analyst, Stockholm Resilience Centre
• Per Espen Stoknes, Director of Centre for Green Growth at the Norwegian Business School.
The event is hosted by the Permanent Mission of Spain to the UN, the Permanent Mission of Costa Rica to the UN, and Earth4All.
Earth4All: one future, two scenarios, one choice.
Tuesday 20 September
14:00 – 15:00 ET
Watch or rewatch the segment here.
Coauthors of Earth for All will join this We Don‘t Have Time live broadcast to present the five extraordinary turnarounds needed to achieve wellbeing for all within planetary boundaries. Owen Gaffney, Sandrine Dixson-Declève and Jayati Ghosh will introduce scenarios for the future and the policies and commitments we need from leaders in order to move towards a future of wellbeing for all followed by reflections by Sharan Burrow and Fadhel Kaboub. This solutions-focused session will also be a reminder that the fight is not for numbers and figures but for the livelihoods in dignity and wellbeing of current and future generations.
Earth4All at the Goals House

Wednesday 21 September
1000-12:00 ET (tbc)
Venue: Goals House, Tavern on the Green, NYC
With only 8 years to go until the deadline of 2030 and having not met for three years, the 193 Member States of the United Nations will once again gather at the UN. With a focus on the UN Sustainable Development Goals, the Goals House will investigate solutions for the future.
Earth4All speakers will take the stage to present the conclusions and policy recommendations in front of an audience of decision makers and industry leaders from around the world.
(Speakers to be confirmed)
Limits and Beyond: Economic Architecture for a Regenerative Future

Thursday 22 September 2022
22 September 18:00-20:00 ET
Watch or rewatch the event here.
This event will reflect on 50 years since The Limits to Growth report, and 78 years since the Bretton Woods agreement. Sandrine Dixson-Declève will explain the systems approaches needed to address today’s complex challenges and the compound effects of today’s environmental, health and social tipping points to a system that enables humanity and the planet to both survive and thrive. She will present the 5 extraordinary turnarounds on poverty, inequality, empowerment, food, and energy from Earth for All that trailblazes a complementary path forward to a world that is more egalitarian, inclusive, and regenerative.
Finance experts Frank van Gansbeke and James Vaccaro will then complement this need for a new economic architecture with deep shifts in our current Bretton Woods institutions and financial framework that underpins an economy and financial system that services people, planet and prosperity first and foremost.
Solutions House: Multi-Solving for Permacrisis

Thursday 22 September
Watch or rewatch the event here.
In our age of permanent crisis we can’t afford to be ‘single issue’ solvers. The concept of ‘multi-solving’ seeks to build long-term resilience while delivering short-term wellbeing and justice. Join experts in politics, gender, system dynamics and communications to delve into how multisolves work.
Speakers: Sandrine Dixson-Declève (Co-President, Club of Rome), Hunter Lovins (President, Natural Capitalism Solutions), Solitaire Townsend (Co-founder/Chief Solutionist, Futerra), Lisa Witter (Co-Founder of Apolitical Foundation)
Earth4All at the New York Stock Exchange
Friday 23 September
New York Stock Exchange
Watch the ringing of the bell here.
In collaboration with partners Newday Impact and Pottinger, authors of Earth for All joined the Newday team in ringing the honorary New York Stock Exchange closing bell.
Global Climate Strike
Friday 23 September
Everywhere around the world, and in NYC
More information on
On Friday 23 September, millions of citizens from the globe will join in on a Global Climate Strike organised by the youth-led organisation Fridays For the Future, under the banner #PeopleNotProfit.
Earth4All contributors and supporters will rally this call for an economic system that works for people’s wellbeing. Join us. Make signs -use our policy recommendations. Support us in making this message as strong as possible for decision-makers.
50th anniversary of The Limits to Growth report and Donella Meadows celebration

Wednesday 28 September
Venue: Middlebury College, Vermont
Watch or rewatch the event here
This event marks 50 years since The Limits to Growth was published and will commemorate lead author Donella Meadows. Speakers include Club of Rome Co-president and Earth for All author Sandrine Dixson-Declève, and Bill McKibben founder of Third Act.
Nobel Prize Teacher Summit: Creating a movement of minds, hearts and souls to upgrade our economies

Friday 30 September
1430-1530 CEST (tbc)
Venue: Münchenbryggeriet, Stockholm, Sweden
More information
The Nobel Prize Teacher Summit is an international teacher conference where teachers from over 30 countries meet Nobel Laureates, top scientists and peace activists to discuss a theme of great importance in education.
This year, Earth4All project lead and modeller Per Espen Stoknes is invited to give a talk at the assembly. The talk, “Creating a movement of minds, hearts and souls to upgrade our economies” will focus on overcoming the fatalism, anxiety and the helplessness many feel in the face of global climate disruptions, and instead, provide proper tools and narratives to doers: we need a new story of how to restart the economic system. One that is inclusive and engaging.
UK Parliament Book launch

Friday 19 October
London, UK
In collaboration with the All-Party Parliament Group (APPG) on The Limits to Growth, The Club of Rome will launch Earth for All: A Survival Guide for Humanity at the UK Parliament.