

Reconnecting mainstream capital markets with the real economy: a blueprint for transformation

Europe’s economic future: should it follow America’s lead or forge its own path?

Germany before the election: a vision for the future in times of polycrisis

When billionaires rule the world: a global threat to a viable human future

Tax fairness in a fire-prone world

Equality: An essential requirement for democracy, peace, and Earth health

Civilisation could leap into a new era of superabundance – but only if humanity commits to protecting the earth

Indications of a better world?

Our year in numbers

Entering the DOGE era? What Elon Musk gets wrong about innovation and debt

Time for meaningful reform of the climate COP

The poverty turnaround – what Germany (and Europe) can do

A Giant Leap for Germany: Paths to a social-ecological transformation 

The rules of the game for sustainable business

With climate change now at our doors, the UN’s Pact for the Future fails to safeguard future generations

Five worlds: Insights into “planetary stewardship segments” from the Global Commons Survey 

Democracy at risk: 41% of Americans open to a more authoritarian approach

Taxing the super-rich is critical for our economies, the planet and shared prosperity for all